What a town. I had been there before a long time ago but never got a chance to explore it but it's a gorgeous gem of a town. Charming people and the vibe is amazing. The gig was at the Civic Centre - part of what seemed to be an agricultural fair. It was a general admission gig. When they opened the doors after our soundcheck - people rushed the barricades to the stage. Several thousand people soon started chanting Aaron's name. We hit the stage and it was thunderous. A great gig - the crowd outdid themselves and it was a lot of fun. The stage crew rocked as well - the gear was first rate as was the lighting and monitors. Afterwards the autograph lineup must've been close to two hours long.
The next morning Darren and I got up early to check out the city some more. A cup of coffee and fruit smoothie later - we moved to buy indigenous food items for our people back home. I know my Nana loves preserves.
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