Growing up my major influence in my life was my Dad, my Mom, my family and friends. Musically, my first profound influence was a musician named Phil Dwyer. Phil is a few years older than me and is an renowned saxophonist/ pianist of the highest order. He has won Junos (Canadian Grammies), recorded many albums, performed as a sideman for the likes of Red Rodney, Aretha Franklin, Gino Vanelli and many others. He is easily a world class player and I am proud to know him. We graduated from the same high school - Kwalikum Secondary School in Qualicum Beach on Vancouver Island.
Dave Stewart - who is, along with Dan Kramer, one of Kwalikum's award winning music instructors - asked me to participate in a fund raiser for the school's music program. It was to be billed as an 'alumni concert' in which students currently in the program would perform and then the alumni 'all star' band would perform to close out the night. Considering the talent that I was to play with I have a hard time feeling that I fit in to the 'all star' tag - however I was proud to be included.
It was a daunting task - while I am comfortable playing jazz - it is not something I get to do everyday as it is, shall we say, an acquired taste for the general public - therefore most of my living comes from playing and recording rock, R&B, country etc.. The musicians on the stand that night - Johannes Wallman, Pat Collins, Phil Dwyer, Johnathan Lindsay and Pat Steward - all play at an astonishingly high level and (with the exception of Pat Steward and Johnathan) play jazz on a daily basis. It was highly satisfying and inspiring to get the opportunity to play with these people - especially Phil who I consider the main motivation for me to kick start my career as a musician.
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