Yes indeed - the band's weary heads rose slowly after a night's worth of good natured debauchery. The hospitality in Burlington was amazing by all accounts (I was holded up in my room recording vocals for producer Allan Rodger so as a result I missed the festivities).
We arrived in Tweed, a municipality near Trenton, Ontario. It was an interesting locale - a "lived in" venue. It's a dance hall with a bar and hotel attached to it. Once again we were welcomed with open arms. The gig had sort of a "community dance" vibe to it - except we did our regular 90 minute show. The crowd was once again over the top crazy.
The party continued and I once again bowed out to complete my vocal tracks from the night before.
April 1 - London, ON - Cowboys
The final night of the tour. We got into London late due to a few traffic snarls on the 401. After a brisk soundcheck we headed back to the hotel - got cleaned up and hit the stage at 9PM. Another great crowd - the place was packed. A few people who saw other gigs on this tour made it out to this gig for one more look. A great way to end this trip.
The bus left the hotel at 3AM and we made our way back to Toronto for our 7AM flights. Band and crew (with the exception of myself and Dwayne) are fast asleep in their bunks. We fly home and Dwayne deadheads the bus back to Edmonton for some upgrades and then to Vancouver. I don't envy him.
So ends another exciting APB jaunt. More to come at a later date. Over and out.
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