I have had the pleasure in the past of participating in this wonderful trip. Randall Prescott (musician/ producer/ songwriter etc. extraordinaire) in conjunction with the Canadian Pacific Railways organizes this yearly event which is tough to describe - one must see it to truly understand it's majesty - but here goes:
Nine years ago, CPR decided they wanted to give money to food banks in communities in Canada and the US where they operated. It started as a train decorated with lights traveling from town to town giving out donations. Long story short - I was contacted four years ago by Randall to act as musical director. He explained the train was going "live". CPR had built a "stage car" which housed a PA system and full stage gear - all of which is strapped down tightly. The acts (in the first year were The Moffatts, The Ennis Sisters and Tracey Brown) would perform a half hour set in about 70 communities over a three week period all the while living on the train in very comfortable staterooms. Since then - I have acted as the MD whereby my duties include rehearsing the band, playing the odd impromptu acoustic set for VIPs as well as record specific musical cues on my portable recording rig.
This year saw the return of Wide Mouth Mason whom I met last year and have since become good friends with. Their original drummer Safwan was unable to do the trip so his sub was the terrific Pat Steward whom I've known for years. His accolades include work with Colin James, Matthew Good, The Odds and of course Bryan Adams (that's him on "Summer Of '69" among many others). It's great fun getting to be (In my own words) the "fourth guy" and play rhythm guitar and keys to all their great songs.
Melanie Doane was someone I had not known personally until this trip however her reputation preceded her. She is a tremendous person and an amazing talent. She plays terrific violin and we have only scratched the surface on her abilities as a guitarist, mandolinist, drummer and bass player. Then - she sings like an angel and writes amazing songs. ON TOP of that - she's an excellent hang and a beautiful soul. Her quiet perfectionism and endless positive energy is a great source of inspiration. I hope I get to work with her again.
We quickly became a very good "band". We perform two Wide Mouth tunes, two Melanie tunes and throw in a couple of holiday tunes to reflect the season. The closer is a tune Melanie performs - a 5/8 fiddle tune called "Tamarack" which includes a quote from Kiss' "Detroit Rock City" where we perform the famous solo section from that song.
To break down every gig would take forever as we're making about 60 stops in 18 days - suffice to say it's a lot of fun. We have a great crew and as I write this we have two more days to go. I'll miss it - however December 2008 will come quicker than I think it will. Thanks to everyone including:
Wide Mouth Mason (Shaun, Earl, Pat), Melanie Doane, Randall Prescott, Steve Petrie (Stage Manager) Jill Winkler (our chef), Mark Seland, Breanne Fiegel, John Dorais, Mark Rickerby, Michel Spenard, Heather Jones, Leslie Pitcock, Steve Sugars, Kevin Hrysak, Richard Young, Ian Libby, Richard Alain, Operation Lifesaver, Phil Dangerfield, Scott Hughes, Hoppy and family, Scott, Tom, Larry, Nadine, Mark, Gawiya, and many others that I'm forgetting. Next year - the 10 year anniversary of the Holiday Train and 150 for CPR. Looking forward to it.