Roll Call - Aaron Pritchett, Mitch Merrett, Ron Briggs, Mike Sanyshyn, Darren Parris and me (the band), Scooter Findlay, Warren Dieno (the crew), Carmen Choney (tour manager) and Dwayne Nemlander (bus driver, security).
May 18 - The bus rolled out at 9:00PM for an overnight drive to Creston B.C.. The "sedative" of the evening is a beverage called the Mojito - discovered by the band in Boston. Although the recipe for this drink has several regional variations, the band seems to favour a mixture of crushed mint, cane sugar, ginger ale and white rum. Being the teetotaler of the band I have my own version of the drink which excludes the rum - the "Nojito".
May 19 - Creston B.C. - We arrived at the District Center - the gig was a fundraiser of some kind. Our opening act was Jessie Farrell - a wonderful young singer destined for greatness. The gig went well - nice stage sound considering the room and a nice way to start the gig off. Aaron had a lot of family in the area which is always a good thing.
May 20 - Travel Day - drove to Jasper - stayed overnight - uneventful - other than the bear we saw on the drive up - see picture at top!
May 21 - Fulham, AB - A mid day gig in a community about 2 hours west of Edmonton, this gig was another fundraiser for a local charity of some kind (I guess I should pay better attention to the causes we're playing for). Mitch bought some firecrackers and set them off in a field. Good times.
May 22 - Day off - We travelled to Edmonton. Aaron, Mitch and I did a radio spot with a fellow named Mike McGuire from a local country station. Nice guy and a gracious host. After that we retired to the hotel where I went over the score for the next days gig with the ESO.
May 23 - Edmonton, AB - APB with the ESO - The big day! This gig has been on the books for a while and I had been really looking forward to it. Maestro Claude Lapalme wrote arrangements for 9 of Aaron's songs (Big Wheel, Lucky For Me, Gone, The Weight, After The Rain, Done You Wrong, Drivin' Song, Warm Safe Place and Hold My Beer)/ The day began with Aaron and I doing another on air spot for another Edmonton radio station. After that, it was off to the marvelous Winspear Centre for the soundcheck and rehearsal. Claude conducted and did a marvelous job of coordinating over 50 musicians into one big beautiful sound. It was a great night - the CBC recorded it for broadcast at a later date - looking forward to hearing it again!
May 24 - Fort MacMurray, AB - Cowboy's Night Club. - Going from the Winspear with the band being augmented by 53 members to a Northern Alberta nightclub was an interesting transition - the surroundings were a little more rustic - the volume was several decibels louder - the alcohol was served in bottles and shots rather than glasses.... but it was a good time.
May 25 - North Battleford, SK - Gold Eagle Casino - Newly renovated - the gig was great. The house techs were great. It was a nice way to end the trip. Until next time....